Monday, November 10, 2008


Good news. You don't have to be in Lake Powell or even own a dutch oven for this recipe. One day during the summer I was craving these amazing potatoes that Thom Richards always makes for us in the dutch oven at Lake Powell. I decided that I was going to try to make the same potatoes without the dutch oven. What came of it? Heaven. These potatoes are SUPER easy and so so so good.

5-6 large potatoes, peeled and sliced into 1/4 inch slices. (if you are serving more, just add more potatoes)
1 onion cut into wedges (or more if needed)
1/2 pound of bacon cut into small pieces and slightly cooked in the microwave (I stick it in a bowl and heat it for a few minutes.)
salt and pepper
Lots of Cheese - any kind you like will do. I prefer cheddar

Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a roasting pan. A casserole dish will do too. Add potatoes, onions, bacon, salt, and pepper. Mix all ingredients in the pan with your hands.

Add a small amount of water to the potato mixture. DO NOT add too much. If too much is added the potatoes will end up watery and more like mashed potatoes. Start with a small amount - just enough to cover the bottom of your pan or dish. Stick it in the oven and cook for an hour and a half. Check it periodically to make sure it has enough water (too little will make the potatoes stick and be tough) Each time I check it I taste it to see how close it is to being done.

Once it is finished, take it out of the oven and top with cheese. If your pan has a cover, place the cover over the top to melt the cheese. If not, just throw it back into the oven to melt the cheese.

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